FAQ: MAGKEY - Magnetic Smart Key Holder
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Who narrated the MAGKEY video?

Who do you think? Yeah, that guy. :) Last updated: Mon, Jun 29 2015 9:29 am EDT

Will the magnets negatively affect the magnetic strips on credit cards or flash drives in case they get too near these?

The magnets should not negatively affect the magnetic strips on credit cards. To see that type of demagnetization you would need a much bigger & stronger magnet. Also, since the MAGKEY magnets are designed to stick to each other, it leaves less room for contact with other surfaces. Last updated: Mon, Jun 29 2015 9:53 am EDT

Why is shipping $5?!?!

We agree that shipping sucks but with fulfillment, postal costs, and storage it adds up very quickly. In our experience, USPS does lose packages especially during high volume seasons such as Christmas and early summer. The postage itself cost 1.12 if shipped as a flat but with tracking it comes out to 2.42 shipped as a package. You are correct in that .50 would cover standard postage for under 13 oz as a letter, but shipping in that manner may damage our product. As you can see in the link below, standard storage and handling charges cost around $2.50. http://www.shipwire.com/pricing/ Thanks again for taking the time to check out our project! Last updated: Mon, Jun 29 2015 9:55 am EDT

The magnets are sooooo thin - what have you done to ensure that they will not break or crack on us?

Two things help us out with the brittleness of the Neodymium magnets. First off, we have a double coating on the magnet - a nickel coating on top of the Neodymium and on top of that a thin Epoxy, that we apply, so that we can make our laser engravings on top of the magnet. The two coats together make the magnets extremely durable. Second, since the keys are intended for a key ring, they never move far enough from each other to create a huge slam. If you have 4 magnetized keys on a ring, like in our video or on our product shots, the keys are ever only ever a few degrees away from a neighboring key and will naturally stick to each other. It’s more of a gentle snap, rather than a heavy click. Last updated: Wed, Jul 8 2015 12:01 am EDT

Will MAGKEY destroy my automatic car key?

We have thoroughly tested this situation. Since there are no moving mechanical parts in a modern car key, there will be no interference or issues. Pretty much all of the modern keys use a small chip with flash memory rather than a moving hard drive. Additionally, MAGKEYs are intended to go on both sides of every key except for the two outer keys, that way there are no magnets exposed to anything coming in contact with your keys. The magnets are not strong enough to interfere with anything through the shielding of the outer keys. We leave the magnets on the outer keys in our campaign images solely for visual reference. Last updated: Wed, Jul 8 2015 12:01 am EDT

Shipping Updates
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!
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I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?

As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.

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